AMSA Executive Board

What is the AMSA Executive Board?

The AMSA Executive Board is a group of 10 active members who fill various roles in maintaining the chapter. Executive Board members are leaders, peers, and friends to chapter members and serve as an added resource to the chapter for guidance on the Pre-Med journey.

  • Co-Presidents (2 Positions)
  • Vice President (1 Position)
  • Secretary (1 Position)
  • Treasurer (1 Position)
  • Communications Chair (1 Position)
  • Co-Volunteer Coordinators (2 Positions)
  • Events Coordinator (1 Position)
  • Philanthropy Chair (1 Position)

If you would like to get to know about any of the officers, their positions, their involvements, or pre-medicine/undergrad advice, then fill out the Coffee with Executive form (2024-2025) to meet and have a personal chat with free refreshments!  

Requirements of all officers

  • All members running for an executive position must be registered as NATIONAL AMSA members, have paid local dues, and are considered an active memeber for the whole academic year (25 total points over both semesters, 10 points minimum per fall semester, 10 points minimum per spring semester. These are subject to change. Flexibility will be exhibited as updates regarding the status of UGA and COVID-19 emerge).
  • Abide by National AMSA standards
  • Attend all meetings as Exec Member
  • Attend all AMSA events as Exec Member
  • Set an example for fellow officers and club members to follow including: attendance, promptness, courteousness, proper attire
  • Have a detailed knowledge of what AMSA is, what it can offer to members, application process, dues, points, and national AMSA benefits
  • Be knowledgeable of Google Drive features, such as how to create and edit forms, documents, spreadsheets, etc.
  • Assist in the setup/cleanup of the facility at the finish of club meetings and activities.
  • Be organized, excel in interpersonal communication skills and balance various jobs tasks


*Must have previous executive board experience for AMSA*

  • Must run on one ticket together
  • Oversee all officers’ responsibilities and events
  • Schedule AMSA meeting dates, officer meetings, and topics/speakers for each meeting
  • Plan/organize trip to AMSA National Convention in Washington D.C. every spring
  • Maintain a working relationship with Kaplan representatives
  • Keep up with national AMSA: events, conferences, and news.
  • Check in with National AMSA representative every semester
  • Attend all UGA Student Organization mandatory meetings
  • Register AMSA for the fall, spring, and summer (if applicable) activities fairs/orientations
  • Register AMSA for cubicle and mailbox via CSO
    • Regularly check AMSA mailbox in CSO
    • Schedule officer office hours at AMSA cubicle
  • Communicate with UGA AMSA advisor and Pre-Medical Office advisor
  • Have access to the AMSA UGA bank account
  • Check AMSA UGA email account daily


  • Organize and maintain the Mentor-Mentee Program for AMSA members
  • Organize and present 4 workshops per semester based on topics requested by members
  • Help Co-Presidents plan speakers or events outside of meetings pertaining to member’s interests
  • Run meetings in absence of the president


  • Write and distribute meeting minutes promptly after each meeting
  • Lead sign-in at meetings on points document via reliable computer
  • Update and maintain the Listserv by adding/deleting people
  • Keep up with the point system by adding/deleting people and organizing Google Doc
  • Update new member application each year if needed
  • Keep records of all flyers, meeting documents, etc. via AMSA Google Drive


*Must have a car or reliable transportation to transport all food/refreshments to and from meetings and events*

  • Order food and appropriate refreshments for each meeting
  • Account fully for all money that is received and/or spent to/from the club account.
    • Maintain a financial log via AMSA Google Drive
    • Keep and preserve financial records of the club
  • Promptly pay bills authorized for payment by the club budget or by club members.
  • Receive/collect dues from the club members and special activities and make disbursements for club financial obligations.
  • Sign all checks for the payment of money from the club
  • Handle the club’s cash box, including: keeping it in a safe place when not performing club activities, memorizing the combination, keeping the money and materials inside the cashbox organized, bringing it to all club meetings and activities.
  • Find financial deals for club refreshments; order, pick up, and pay for the refreshments prior to every club meeting.


  • Maintain and update AMSA website with current events, meeting dates, photos, etc.
  • Regularly update and maintain AMSA accounts on social networking sites (Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, etc.)
  • Take pictures at AMSA meetings and events for AMSA website and social media
  • Advertise UGA AMSA at the beginning of each semester on multiple UGA listservs (Greek, CSO, pre-medical)
  • Design/update the bulletin board in the Biological sciences building
  • Design/update the tri-fold AMSA board and store for fairs and events
  • Design and order UGA AMSA t-shirt, pins, stickers, and other items to be sold to members
  • Design and distribute flyers around campus for UGA AMSA each semester
  • Act as Medical School(s) liaison (i.e. advertise open house opportunities to members).


*Must have a car or reliable transportation to transport tables and chairs to and from meetings and applicable events

  • Contact local hospitals, nursing homes, doctor's offices and other venues for multiple volunteer opportunities on a monthly basis
  • Organize group community service events for members
  • Prepare monthly donation drives for members to participate
  • Research and present volunteer opportunities that members may pursue individually
  • Keep in contact with past volunteer venues.
  • Provide storage for tables (2) and chairs (2) used at meetings and volunteer events


*Must have a car or reliable transportation to transport tables and chairs to and from meetings and applicable events*

  • Plan 2-3 social events per month to encourage membership bonding
  • Host a blood drive each semester with American Red Cross
  • Assist Philanthropy Chair with logistics for UGA AMSA team at Relay for Life event (Food, booth, tent, activities, etc.)


*Must have storage for applicable UGA AMSA Relay for Life team materials: tent, photo booth supplies, etc.*

  • Create/Maintain UGA AMSA Relay for Life team via UGA Relay for Life website
  • Plan percentage nights at local venues to aid in fundraising efforts for UGA AMSA Relay for Life team
  • Stay updated with UGA Relay for Life information via Relay for Life team captain meetings and other campus-wide events hosted by UGA Relay for Life
  • Prepare/Handle logistics for UGA AMSA team at Relay for Life event (Food, booth, tent, activities, etc.)