Our first blood drive with Red Cross is this upcoming Wednesday, September 20th at Tate Reception Hall from 11:30 am to 4:30 pm. If you donate blood you will receive 2 points, and if you volunteer you will receive 1 point.
The qr code to donate is on the graphic attached and the links to volunteer are at the bottom. Below is some information about donating and volunteering for this event:
- Trying to recruit ~20 people to sign up to donate
- Be well rested the night before
- Eat an iron rich meal and stay very hydrated beforehand
- You will get free pizza and snacks at the blood drive after donating
- On donation paperwork, please indicate your race and ethnicity
- This ensures that patients will match successfully and have fewer adverse reactions
- Keeps an eye out for diseases like Sickle Cell Anemia
- Need ~4 people for tabling on day of drive
- Need ~10 people to volunteer at the drive (registration and canteen)
- Tabling: helping recruit donors and advocating for donating blood
- Outside of Tate breezeway between Tate an bookstore
- Hours slightly different à 11:30-3:30
- Registration: phlebotomist will explain sign in and registration process, Red Cross exec will be at each shift change to help with understanding your role, very low stress
- Canteen: making sure donors sit for ~15 minutes after donating blood, distribute snacks to donors after donating blood
Sign Up Links:
- Tabling: https://www.signupgenius.com/go/10C0E4DAFAC2DA1FFCE9-redcross#/
- Drive: https://www.signupgenius.com/go/5080B4CA9AB2EABF94-september#/
Please reach out to the AMSA email (ugaamsa@gmail.com) with any questions or concerns. Thank you for signing up!