We have our second blood drive with UGA Red Cross this upcoming Wednesday, October 18th 11:30-4:30 at the Tate Reception Hall! This blood drive, specifically, is our blood battle against UF, so we want to try to get as many people to donate blood as possible to beat them! So, tell your friends to donate if they can too.
***If you donated last time, you CANNOT donate again because you have to wait 56 DAYS before donating blood again!!***
Donating (2 pts):
Trying to recruit ~20 people to sign up to donate
Be well rested the night before
Eat an iron rich meal and stay very hydrated beforehand
You will get free pizza and snacks at the blood drive after donating
All donors will also receive a $15 Amazon gift card!!
On donation paperwork, please indicate your race and ethnicity
This ensures that patients will match successfully and have fewer adverse reactions
Keeps an eye out for diseases like Sickle Cell Anemia
Sign up link (if QR code does not work): Schedule a Blood, Platelet or Plasma Donation | American Red Cross (redcrossblood.org)
Volunteering/Tabling (1 pt):
Need ~4 people for tabling on day of drive
Need ~10 people to volunteer at the drive (registration and canteen)
Tabling: helping recruit donors and advocating for donating blood
Outside of Tate breezeway between Tate an bookstore
Hours slightly different: 11:30-3:30
Registration: phlebotomist will explain sign in and registration process, Red Cross exec will be at each shift change to help with understanding your role, very low stress
Canteen: making sure donors sit for ~15 minutes after donating blood, distribute snacks to donors after donating blood
Sign Up Links: